Put your entire trust in the Master Jesus. Then you'll live as you were meant to live-and everyone in your house included!
remember, you put your entire trust in Jesus for your healing? now YOU'LL LIVE as you were meant to live! remember you put your entire trust in Jesus for your family, relationships and finances? well guess what, you'll live AS YOU WERE MEANT TO LIVE - and EVERYONE IN YOUR HOUSE INCLUDED! as we put our entire trust in Jesus for our businesses, finances, reunited relationships, our friends, prayer partners, loved ones, churchmates and pre-believing friends and acquaintances, we will live as we were meant to live! every single one of us! thank You Lord! what more assurance do we need that You have us and You make sure Your word is always there for us to trust and make us live AS YOU MEANT FOR US TO LIVE and everyone in our family too? you are so great God!
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