This is God's year to act.
You've just heard Scripture make history.
It came true just now in this place.
Amen! Your word came true just now in this place! Your word that preached the good news to that unsaved family member; Your word that pardoned and freed us prisoners from that sickness, that cancer, mindset of ill-health, that weak body and busy schedule, those debts, that unbelief, those rebellious inclinations, lukewarm and negative mindsets and attitudes, obstacles to hopes and dreams and broken families being reunited, those spoken negative words; thank You for Your word that announced recovery of sight to our blind minds and to our blind hearts; Your word that set us free, the battered ones, free from our financial, emotional, relational and spiritual burdens; Your word that announced healing, strength, peace, comfort, faith, hope, redemption and salvation to us, our families, our friends, neighbours, co-workers, pre-believing friends and loved ones - both physical and spiritual; Your word that announced, “this is My year to act!”
Thank You, God, that we've just heard Scripture make history today. It came true just now in our hearts, our homes, our lives - where and who we are right now. Thank You for making it all happen. You are so good. Love You, Lord.
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