Jesus' words make things happen.
The crowd went looking and, when they found him, clung to him so he couldn't go on.
Oh wow, Jesus, Your words make things happen in our lives - thank You for Your words that give strength, words that put heart in us! No matter what is going on in us, around us, to us, to those around us, it's Your word that makes things happen! Thank You for working a true healing inside and out of us! For showing us life whole, life brimming with blessings! Thank You that You will restore everything that we lost - health, freedom from doubt, freedom from debt, lost time with family, restoration of relationships, financial provision! Thank You for building everything back as good as new! Thank You for scrubbing us clean of our dirt, for forgiving all we've done wrong, forgiving our rebellions. Thank You that our homes, dwellings, our lives will be your center of joy and praise and glory for all the countries on earth! Everyone will get reports on all the good You're doing for us! They'll be in awe of the blessing You are pouring on us!
You, God, say so! (Jer. 33.6-9) And Your words make things happen.
May we look for You and cling to You - with everything we've got. everything.
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