Jesus told them, "Pray consistently and never quit. God will step in and work justice for you, who continue to cry out for help. He will stick up for you. I assure you, he will. He will not drag his feet."
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he - the heart is the center of your belief in God, and as you believe in your heart, so are you! If you can take people's words for an appointment or a diagnosis or some good news or information, all the more can you take God for His word! For His word of healing for your body, family relationships, for restored finances, for freedom from debts, for real rest, for security, for victory over destroyed enemies, for deliverance from disturbing and tormenting spirits, for generosity, for grace, for mercy, for justice in your bodies, minds and relationships!
Thank You Lord! We will pray consistently and never quit! Thank You that You will step in and work justice for us as we continue to cry out for help! You will stick up for us! You assure as that You will! And You will not drag Your feet!
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