He included everyone in his death so that everyone could also be included in his life, a resurrection life, a far better life than people ever lived on their own.
this is especially for you! Jesus included you in his death so you could also be included in his life! in his healing, in his wholeness, in his strength, in his purpose!! a far, far better life than what ANYONE HAS EVER LIVED before you! Jesus included you in his death so he can include you and your family in his life! in his health, in his provison, security, timely and perfect grace, seasoned joy and happiness with your children and family, excellence in your work and personal personal meaningfulness of life! this is for you -- THE LIFE HE HAS is FAR FAR BETTER than if you lived life on your own! YOU MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE CHOOSING HIM ABOVE EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE ELSE! above any career, any bonus, any extra hour! Jesus has included you in his resurrection life, a life of health, joy, strength, purpose, provision and abundance! flourishing in his joy and his life forever! thank you lord for all you do for us! we stay amazed, WE STAY FAITHFUL IN THIS LIFE!
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