"I'll live in them, move into them; I'll be their God and they'll be my people." Promises like this pull us on.
promises like this pull you on! God, HIMSELF, said he'll LIVE IN YOU! what sickness can live with him? nothing! just as light cannot mingle with darkness (v.14), so death, theft and destruction cannot prevail wherever God lives! HEALING lives in you, STRENGTH lives in you, JOY and SECURITY live in you! promises like this PULL YOU ON! he has MOVED INTO YOU - your household, your family, your workplace, your job, your relationships - everything included! lack, insecurity, anxiety and discouragement CAN NEVER LIVE in your life! troubles may come from all over, concerns may try and overwhelm you, but PEACE, SECURITY, DEEP JOY, TRUE LOVE, HEALING live in you! the lord has moved into your life, and with him he brought STRENGTH, WISDOM, GREAT HEALTH and PEACE! promises like this pull you on, pull us all on, because God is not just in the neighborhood, HE'S IN YOU!
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