When we live God's way, he brings gifts into our lives.
wow! you have chosen to completely trust God with your life, taking every bit of his way as yours, and he has brought the awesome gift of healing into your life! thank you Lord! you have made the best decision to live God's way, letting go of having your own way and trusting him for everything, every part and parcel of your life - and he has brought and continues to bring gifts into your life! you have exuberance about life, PEACE and security, he has developed in you a willingness to stick with things, finding yourself in loyal commitments. the lord has flooded your life with his gifts because you have trusted completely in him, especially letting him run your whole family, your life, your everything. the lord has made sure that YOU DON'T NEED TO FORCE YOUR WAY IN LIFE, and you are ABLE TO MARSHAL AND DIRECT YOUR ENERGIES WISELY (vv.22-23)!
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