2 Timothy 3.9
Nothing will come of these latest impostors who defy the truth.
nothing will come of this latest threat to your health, they defy the truth that God called - you are healthy, alive and well! you are healed, strong and robust! no activity in your body, no spiritual force that defies this truth will ever amount to anything! nothing will come of these thoughts that defy God's truth in your life! no doubt, apprehension, worry, anxiety will ever amount to anything, because God has called you secure, prosperous, joyful and peaceful in him. you do not need to pull from yourself and your old bag of tricks again to provide for you, no, God's Word is perpetual, forever, sufficent, mighty and powerful. nothing can ever defy it! your health, strength and wisdom are called by God's Word over your life. claim it, nothing will come of anything that defies that truth in your body, mind, soul and spirit. don't entertain defeat in your mind and heart, give all your attention to the GOOD that's coming from God and MULTIPLY it in your thinking, attitude and body. because nothing will come of any impostor who defies the truth that is God's Word!
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