2 Timothy 3.15
There's nothing like the Word of God for showing you the way.
amen! there's nothing like WHAT GOD SAID to decide for you, to make the call for you, there's nothing like the Word of God THAT YOU FOLLOWED! with all your conviction, with all your heart! the WORD OF GOD THAT YOU BELIEVED SO STRONGLY to SHOW YOU THE WAY TO YOUR HEALING! the Word of God that you took OVER EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE ELSE'S WORD! the Word of God that you hung ALL YOUR HOPES UPON, the Word of God that you RISKED YOUR LIFE ON, the Word of God that you TOOK AS YOUR REALITY, the Word of God that you PUT YOUR EVERYTHING ON, there's nothing like it! the very Word of God at work right now in you TO BRING ABOUT EXACTLY WHAT IT SAID, TO BRING YOU EXACTLY WHERE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE, to show you the way! to your healing, the very Word that you took to heart and believed and EXECUTED with EVERY BIT OF YOUR LIFE, the very Word of God that you counted on, IT HAS SHOWN YOU, IT IS SHOWING YOU and WILL KEEP SHOWING YOU THE WAY! the way to your healing, the way to His promises - every single one of them - fulfilled and flourishing and made whole in and around you!
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