Thursday, April 05, 2012

Everything and All-In

Revelation 5.13
To the One on the Throne! To the Lamb! The blessing, the honor, the glory, the strength, For age after age after age.
amen! Jesus HAS the blessing. he HAS the honor, glory and strength for eternity! and WE HAVE HIM! HE HAS US! and he generously gives us his blessing, his strength! FOREVER and EVER! thank you lord we can rely on YOU and YOU ALONE for eternal blessing, for eternal strength, for eternal hope, love, help, protection, security - everything! because we don't just have all these, we have YOU and you have us! thank you lord! we need not fear anything, we can go on, we need not despari, we can push ahead, we need not hold back, we can keep going! thank you lord, we can finish this race and run it well!

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