Sunday, April 29, 2012

Going Steady

Genesis 5.24
Enoch walked steadily with God.
yes lord, what a way to live! the only way to live is walking with you, and walking STEADILY lord! we CAN walk with you, because of the life you have given to us, because of what you did on the cross we can RELATE with you again! and more than that, our WALK CAN BE STEADY! because with you nothing will trouble us, nothing will shake our foundations, nothing will make our path wobbly, everything with you is TRULY FIRM, SECURE and STRONG! thank you lord that that no matter what is happening around us, WE CAN WALK STEADILY WITH YOU! life may not be out of troubles, but the troubles are OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE! thank you thank you lord! we have peace and security in you no matter what!

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