Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Revelation 19.1
Salvation is God's.
amen amen amen lord! we wouldn't be living this life if not for you! we wouldn't have our breath without you! you gave us reason to live, reason for existence, you gave us purpose why we matter here on earth, you KEPT US FROM DEATH! you GAVE US LIFE! you SAVED US FROM OURSELVES! thank you lord, that from the smallest things that can harm us, to the greatest war between you and the world - you made sure OF YOUR VICTORY! and because of that WE ARE VICTORS WITH YOU! you saved us from daily hopelessness, from perpetual attacks of the enemy, from destruction big and small, from anything that can rob us of our reason in you, our joy in you, our love, hope, our LIFE! salvation is YOURS, lord, and we are TRULY GRATEFUL! thank you thank you thank you!

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