Sunday, September 08, 2013

Your God Is Among You

Deuteronomy 7.21
So don't be intimidated by them. GOD, your God, is among you--GOD majestic, GOD awesome.
you are not alone. don't be afraid, don't be intimidated, don't be scared of anything, anyone. the lord your God is not just high up in heaven on his throne watching over you - he is right there with you, right where you are, going through what you are going through, living in your heart with you, his presence never leaves you, and where his presence is there could never be any evil. he lives among you, the God whose majesty extends beyond galaxies, whose power is higher than anyone and anything else - physical and spiritual, the grand God who no one even could compare to. so don't be intimidated by your enemy, because God, himself is with you. the king of all kings, the one rightfully honoured and magnified and glorified, GOD himself, your God, with you, in you!

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