What God does in your life is he sets it right, puts it together, and completes it with joy.
thank you lord! you set our life right! you set our life, body, health right! you put our healing together and YOU COMPLETE IT WITH JOY! thank you lord for your goodness! what you do in our life is YOU SET IT RIGHT - our health, relationship with you, relationship with our family, relationships with the church, friends, workmates you set them all right! every part of our body, every organ, every component, every system, right down to our mind, soul and spirit - you set them all right and YOU PUT THEM TOGETHER - our security and finances and YOU COMPLETE ALL OF THEM WITH JOY!! you put our spirit, health, finances and affairs together, you set them right and COMPLETES them WITH JOY! thank you lord! you set our direction right, you put our life together, and YOU COMPLETE US WITH JOY!
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