Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions, give it all you've got, be resolute, and love without stopping.
be expectant! keep your eyes open for your complete physical healing, to your deliverance! HOLD TIGHT TO YOUR CONVICTIONS, GIVE IT ALL YOU'VE GOT! you've made the best decision ever choosing God over everything else, and you have God's supernatural empowering grace to KEEP THAT DECISION UP! BE RESOLUTE, GIVE IT YOUR ALL! YOU'RE ON THE RIGHT TRACK! keep your eyes open for what God has planned for you! the holy spirit brings out what God has planned all along in all of us! thank you lord, we can be resolute, we can do this, we can love without stopping, because you first loved us! we'll keep our eyes open, we'll hold tight to our convictions, we'll put feet to our hope, we'll believe and really believe by acting on the word that you have deposited in us, we'll give it all we've got!
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