Hebrews 4.15
We don't have a high priest who is out of touch with our reality.
Amen! Thank you, Lord! Now that we know we have YOU - JESUS, the great High Priest with READY ACCESS to God - we will not let that slip through our fingers! You are very in touch with our reality, you know what we are going through, you CARE about what we are going through, and BECAUSE YOU MADE IT THROUGH, WE WILL ALSO MAKE IT THROUGH! You've been through our weakness and our testing, our circumstances and our difficulties, our joys and our pains, our concerns and injustices, our victories and celebrations, you have experienced it all - all but the sin! So we will walk right up to you and freely get, freely receive what you are so ready to give. We will TAKE THE MERCY, ACCEPT THE HELP.
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