1 Peter 3.12
God listens and responds well to what he's asked.
thank you God that you care and respond well to everything you asked of us! you asked us to trust and obey you, you respond with the grace for us to do exactly that! you asked us to communicate with you, you gave us prayer to do that well and excellently, you asked us to cast off our anxieties, fears and worries, you gave us a new mind, a new heart and able faith to change our lives with. you asked us to put you first in our lives, our finances, our relationships, you gave us our very own breath, so much more provision than we could possibly need, and you put us in families just so we can live as you asked. thank you lord that we have everything we need! because you LISTEN and you RESPOND WELL! amen amen amen! there's no turning back, no more hesitation, nothing to hold us back!
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