James 3.2
Your speech controls your life.
thank you lord, for creating us in YOUR image, that just like you we can CALL OUT YOUR WORDS OVER OUR LIFE! thank you lord, we call ourselves BLESSED, because you have blessed us! thank you lord, that we are HEALTHY and PROVIDED for, because you EQUIP us to DO THE TASK that you have written for us even before we were born! thank you for your GRACE because it's OVERFLOWING and ABUNDANT, TIMELY for our every situation, and we have INSTANT ACCESS TO IT, so we can LIVE AS YOU SAY! thank you for your WORD that gives us STRENGTH, HEALTH and PROVISION, places us in God-written RELATIONSHIPS that enrich us for you, gives us WISDOM, GUIDANCE, KNOWLEDGE, SKILL. thank you that we have your LOVE to keep us going, HOPE to look forward to, JOY that lifts us up, PEACE that guards our mind, SECURITY that guards our heart, VICTORY that guards our destiny. thank you father, we love you. we will forever be yours.
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