"I want to heal you. Be clean." Then and there the sickness was gone.
He now spoke directly to the paraplegic. "Get up. Take your bedroll and go home."
Without a moment's hesitation, he did it.
Thank You, Lord, because You want to heal us - You want to cleanse us; free us from our debts; restore our broken relationships; restore everything that was stolen from, destroyed and killed among us; forgive us of our sins; free us from our fear, anxieties, worries and insecurities! And right there and then our sickness and curse are gone! Cancer is gone! Weakness and ill health are gone! Disunity in the family is gone! Anxieties, worries, insecurities, lack of peace, all gone! Rebellious attitudes are gone! Unbelief is gone! Obstacles to joyful reunions and continual worship of and serving You are all gone! Negative attitudes and mindsets and ill health are all gone! You spoke directly to us and said, "Get up, take your stuff and go home!" And without a moment's hesitation, we can do it! We WILL do it! We will act and live out what You said, immediately! No fear, no anxiety, no worry, all joy, all peace, all love from You, all confidence in You, all passion to pursue You on top of everything!
Thank You Lord, You hold everything.
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