I saw God before me for all time.
Nothing can shake me; he's right by my side.
I'm glad from the inside out, ecstatic;
I've pitched my tent in the land of hope.
I know you'll never dump me in Hades;
I'll never even smell the stench of death.
You've got my feet on the life-path,
with your face shining sun-joy all around.
There's no longer room for doubt.
God is before us all the time, nothing can shake you! he's right by your side! we are glad from the inside out, ecstatic! we've pitched our tent IN THE LAND OF HOPE! we know for sure he'll never dump us to be abandoned. God has got your feet ON THE LIFE PATH, with HIS FACE SHINING JOY ALL AROUND! and here's the best part - THERE'S NO LONGER ROOM FOR DOUBT!
Jesus is the only sure thing in this world.
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