Wait for what the Father promised: the promise you heard from me. I will come certainly.
whoa, this is Jesus speaking! it's not just his promise that will come, but HE HIMSELF will come, and CERTAINLY! we are not HOPING ON NOTHING! we are not WAITING FOR NOTHING! timing is God's business, but he GAVE US THE HOLY SPIRIT so we can live ABOUT him all our days!
thank you lord! that you have promised to heal us! to fully restore our families! to bring us back to be with our loved ones! to flood us with finances! to bless the fruit of our hands! to give us favor in front of all opposition, sickness, anxiety, sadness, debts, everything! you'll give us abundance of life, favor for blessings, health, security, joy, provision! THAT'S WHAT YOU PROMISED! and YOU WILL CERTAINLY COME!
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