Deuteronomy 1.32
But now that you're here, you won't trust GOD, your God
now that you're here, trust your God. now that you're here, trust him! now that you're finally where God has brought, now that you're finally in the centre of his will, walking with him and working his plan into your life, now that he has brought you out of your past and into your present and future with him, trust him! trust him, see him work, see him get you there, be with him in every step, in every turn, every mountain, every valley, every twist and turn, every straight path, every wide and narrow road, put him first! that's what it is to trust him, what he says on top of everything else, on top of everyone else's opinion, his word above all! his thought above all, his love above all. now that you're here, trust him. amen!
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