Monday, August 26, 2013

Know This

Deuteronomy 7.9
Know this: Your God is God indeed, a God you can depend upon.
what God! GOD you are God indeed, you are a God we can depend on! a God who will never leave us hanging, a God who never misses a beat, seeing every tear, every pain, every hurt, every joy, every high, every victory! thank you lord that we can count on you, we can depend on you, we can put our lives on the line for you and win every time - every single time! there's no loss with you, there's always hope, always something great to look forward to no matter how bad everything around us is going, there's always a sure victory waiting at the end of everything, your sun always rises on our nights, you day always comes after the darkness, your peace and security always comes not just during but after the rain! blessed be your holy name, lord!

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