Take care of the threats of our enemies and give us fearless confidence in preaching your Message, as you stretch out your hand to us in healings and miracles and wonders in the name of your holy servant Jesus.
How much more specific yet all-encompassing can this be? This is our very purpose here on earth, that's why we can be guaranteed and so sure of our well-being we can forget about it once we've committed it all to God! Our lives lived with him preach his message daily, so he takes care of the threats of all the enemy’s plans to plot against us. He gives us fearless confidence to live life, because he stretches out his hand to us in healings and miracles and wonders in Jesus! Thank you Lord that you have guaranteed our healing, financial stability, prosperity, emotional, spiritual and relational flourishing! We have nothing to worry about as we live our lives preaching your message, our daily lives just as they are a great testament of your grace!
The fact that we are breathing is a huge, huge miracle, the fact that God preserves all our 10 fingers, our two arms and feet - those are such a huge part of our capacity! Thank you Lord! He loves lavishly, and if he knows how to take care of the essential, he knows how to take care of everything down to our smallest request, as well.
That’s awesome!
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