Every truth and encouragement that could have made a difference to you, you got. God's Word can make you into what he wants you to be and give you everything you could possibly need in this community of holy friends.
epic! EVERY TRUTH THAT COULD HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE TO YOU, YOU GOT! EVERY TRUTH of healing for your body, every truth of success in relationships, security and prosperity in finances, fruitfulness in the workplace and business endeavors, fruitfulness in living a testimony, Godly direction for family and children and the generations, security and peace in thoughts and actions, safety from all attacks, encouragement, strength, maintenance and expansion of all capacities - EVERYTHING THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE YOU GOT! because God's Word MAKES you healed, whole, successful, prosperous, with EVERYTHING YOU COULD POSSIBLY NEED as you STAY PLANTED IN THE CHURCH! God's design is for you to flourish, and he makes sure that you're surrounded by people who let you flourish with them. God's Word makes you into what he wants you to be and gives you everything you could possibly need in community with his people!
* Title inspired by Miracle Math Series (Relate Church, May 2011). Also on Facebook.
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