Romans 9.8,10-11
Your identity is never racially-determined but God-determined by purpose. Promise takes priority over genetics. His purpose is not a hit-or-miss thing dependent on what we do or don't do, but a sure thing determined by his decision, flowing steadily from his initiative.
amen! who you are right now and where you are right now is never determined by your physical circumstances or the background you're physically born into, but God-determined BY HIS PURPOSE! including what you do, the training you had in life - profession, vocation and devotion - these are all to serve a purpose! his promise takes over genetics, his promise takes over your body, takes over the sickness, takes over your health! his promise takes over your heart, takes over your family, takes over your finances, takes over the people in your life, takes over your body! his promise takes over your businesses, body, direction in life, training in life. his promise of healing, health, restored relationships, personal flourishing in his spiritual family, financial success for his purpose and abundance of life for what he wants us to accomplish! why? because HIS PURPOSE IS NOT HIT-OR-MISS! it DOESN'T DEPEND ON WHAT WE DO OR DON'T DO, but A SURE THING determined by his decision, FLOWING STEADILY, ALWAYS ON TIME as he initiates!
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