Troubles can develop passionate patience in us, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next, never left feeling shortchanged. Christ arrives right on time to make this happen. He didn't, and doesn't, wait for us to get ready.
God will never leave you feeling shortchanged. He arrives RIGHT ON TIME to make his word happen - not dependent on us or our calendar or even our readiness - he does what he needs to do in and around us! waiting fades into the background, because we know for sure he will do what he said exactly when it needs to be done! thank you lord, for completely healing us, for fully establishing us in our family and what matters most, for bringing our hearts to you, for joyfully reuniting our painful partings, for taking care of our finances and business interests, for granting us health and capacity every single day, for letting us flourish in the company of your people as we so need, for using our circumstances to keep us alert for what you will abundantly and grandiosely do next! thank you, for being on time, with our world fully dependent on you being ready.
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