The moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. Who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen? The One who died for us - who was raised to life for us! - is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us.
God has his watchful eyes on you - right down to the exact moment that we start getting tired of waiting for him. he is right alongside helping you along. NOTHING, NO ONE could dare tangle with him by messing with you, with us all - be it cancer, lack, broken relationships, theft, destruction, loneliness, ungodly thoughts - nothing, no one can mess with us because they can't mess with God! no one can even dare point a finger, because Jesus - who gave his all - is right there to give his authoritative and final, winning counter-argument that everything in our lives have already been paid for! thank you lord!
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