Deuteronomy 4.6
When people hear and see what's going on, they'll say, "What a great nation! We've never seen anything like it.
your word is what sets us apart, your word is what makes us great! your word is what makes us holy, set apart, a league of our own in you, not because of anything in us, but because of your perfectly-conceived, all-encompassing, all-powerful word! the word at which the entire creation came together in form, the word with which life was conceived, the word with which time and space itself was born, the word that proceeded out of your mouth and came from your heart and established the universe and anything and everything within and beyond - your powerful word! and this very word is our distinguishing mark, our brand, the one single thing that truly matters, that makes us favoured, gives us credence, makes us righteous, graces us with success, real success, makes us conduits of your love, lets us meet the needs around us, makes our words be in full season, more than any accolade in this world, more than any title, position or degree, your word is what makes us who we are in you - a great and favoured nation!
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