Numbers 18.20
I am your plot of ground, I am your inheritance.
you are our portion! you are our portion, lord! you, not anything hands could make, or people could set up, or the world could offer. YOU - you are the one we look forward to for our provision, YOU are the one we take pride in, YOU are the one we pass on to the next generation, YOU are the one we set up as insurance, YOU are our confidence, YOU are the one we bank on, YOU are the one we cherish and look after, YOU are the one we spend all our energies seeking and running after, YOU are the one we take as legacy from those who have come before us, YOU are the one we want to be truly known for, YOU are the one we follow and love, YOU are the one we lay claims on, YOU are the one most precious to us, YOU are the one we build on, YOU are our plot of ground, YOU are our inheritance!
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