Numbers 14.14
You are on the side of this people, you are present among them.
praise you, God! thank you lord that you don't just fight for us, you are right there in the middle of the battle with us! thank you lord that you don't just grace us for our situations and circumstances, you are right there in the middle of it all! thank you lord that you don't just give us wisdom for our choices, you are right there making the decision with us. praise you that you do not only provide for us in our highs and lows, you are right there bringing the provision with you through it all. thank you father, what a great God you are, what a great saviour you are, what great wisdom, foresight and plans you have, never to be topped by anyone ever, never to be upturned by any event whatsoever. praise you lord, you are on our side, you are ever present among us!
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