Genesis 26.29
GOD's blessing be with you!
yes, the lord call his full goodness on you, everything you do, everyone you're related to, and all that you deal with! the full, complete,timely, abundant, detailed, ever-sufficient blessing of the lord be upon you! let him surely fulfill his promised word to you - his promise of health, of wellness, of companionship and his presence, of courage and faith especially in the face of fear, of fruitfulness, prosperity, generosity and abundance not only in the physical but more importantly in relationships and in the spiritual, of protection, security and the guard of his word and his hosts at all times, of tenacity, perseverance and persistence in times of difficulty, of strength and alertness of mind, heart and soul in times of both strength and weakness, of hope, love and encouragement at all times, of wisdom, truth and guidance for all situations and decisions, and all of his perfect and good will in and around your life! yes! God's blessing be upon you!
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