Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Numbers 24.24
Sea-Peoples, raiders from across the sea, will harass Asshur and Eber, But they'll also come to nothing, just like all the rest.
what a great promise of security in you! all kinds of raiders lord, wherever they may come from, wherever they will try to harass your people from, whenever they do it, try hard as they may, with all their everything - they'll come to nothing! absolutely nothing! just like all the plans of the enemy, just like all his cohorts, they're not even a single dot in your presence! thank you lord, praise you, we are sure, we are secure, we are safe in you lordl no matter where the storms blow, no matter how the winds try to topple us down, they simply can't. they all amount to nothing. not just insignificant, but truly nothing! praise you lord! for you are the only one who can make this happen, you are the only one who can truly guarantee this and see it through right til the end!

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