Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Numbers 25.11
Because he was as zealous for my honor as I myself am.
oh God may we have such passion for you, such want-to for you! may we stop hiding behind the cross and rise up in wisdom to who you have called us to be! in our love, may you be honoured! in the way we bless everyone around us, may you be honoured! in our generosity, may you be honoured! as we extend the grace that has been freely showered on us overflowingly may you be honoured! in our obedience may you be honoured! in our speech may you be honoured! in the meditations of our hearts may you be honoured! in the risks that we take, in the decisions that we make, in the opportunities that we grab may you be honoured! in our dependence on your Spirit may you be honoured! praise you praise you lord!

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