Numbers 33.3
They marched out of Rameses heads high and confident.
amazing, lord, because your victory brings us true confidence, secure not in what we have done or who we are in ourselves, but confident and strong in what you have done and in who we are in you! thank you lord for bringing us out of our past, redeeming every single bit of it, giving us overwhelming grace for our present, for the now, for gracing us with your overcoming presence wherever and whenever we are, and for writing a true word of hope, life and success for our future! what a life in you, father, what blessing, what joy we have as we hold our head high and march confidently, living life victoriously, never to be overtaken by the enemy and his plans, nothing to fear because you are with us, and even coming before you we can be confident in your mercy not because we deserve it but still all because of you!
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