Exodus 14.21
God made the sea dry ground.
wow, lord! you are truly the God of the impossible! nothing is an issue when it comes to having your way! the elements don't even put up a fight against you - they are as jell-o to your words, wielded without a question whatsoever and bent towards your will, lord! thank you that you make what is not into what is! you make poverty generosity! you make sickness health! you make disease comfort! you make attacks victories! you make the impossible possible, the disagreeable fully agreeable to you word! you are not just one of a kind, you are THE ONLY ONE of your kind! praise you lord, because nothing is impossible with you, praise you lord, for turning totally unrelated circumstances into fruitful opportunities to fulfill your word! lord, nothing can stand between you and what you have in mind, and for that we praise you. praise you lord!
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