Exodus 14.25
God is fighting on their side and against the Egyptians.
amen! the enemy has more than enough reason to run from us, because God fighting on our side! we rejoice that you have made us your people, lord, we rejoice that we are one with you, we rejoice that we have you and you have us, we praise you lord for your wonder, for your love, for your forgiveness, for your justice. you are amazing, infinite, powerful, sovereign, in perfect control! thank you lord that we are on your side, and you defend your cause, your plan to the hilt! no one can ever go against what you want, no one can ever upturn your events, no one can upset what you have laid out, and it's very clear who you are for - you are for yourself! and everyone who goes with you will get to join in that huge benefit of your victory, because you are the only true victor, the only true powerful, the only true generous God. thank you for taking us into you and bringing us into your plan.
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