Exodus 12.23
God will not let the destroyer enter your house to strike you down with ruin.
praise you, praise you lord for this word! amen amen amen! thank you lord for your goodness! what an amazing, true, secure, peace-filled promise! thank you lord that the enemy cannot do anything, not so much as enter our house, lord, not so much as come near our place of dwelling, thank you so much God! thank you for protecting us, for covering us, for making sure that only your word has any influence in our lives, for making sure that nothing can touch us and our families, for keeping our place of communing with you preserved and undisturbed, for maximizing us with all opportunity to be a blessing, for keeping out poverty, destruction, sickness, disease and making sure we will flourish, thrive, multiply, be healthy, at peace and joyful in you! amen amen amen!
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