Exodus 11.9
The signs of my presence and work are going to multiply in the land of Egypt.
yes lord! in our times of trouble, in our circumstances of difficulty, in our situations of injustice and impossibility, the signs of your presence and work are going to multiply! you will show yourself mighty when we are at our weakest. praise you God! your miraculous work will be even more evident, your spectacular presence will be even more felt in our own personal lands of Egypt. hallelujah and hosanna lord! praise you for all that you have done and praise you for all that you are going to do! thank you lord that your presence and your work are going to be made even more unmistakable and undeniable in everything that we go through, no matter what, and especially in the things that the enemy hurls at us. thank you lord that nothing, no one could ever go against you and succeed! you will use all our hardship and difficulties to multiply the signs of your work and your presence! amen!
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