Exodus 36.7
There was plenty of material for all the work to be done. Enough and more than enough.
God, how you provide! we are overwhelmed with joy, peace, security and love! amazing and true God, what foresight, what wonder, what care, what perfect provision! there are always two things we could see when it comes to you providing - there's always enough for what we need, and more than enough for what others around us need! thank you lord for opening our eyes to this huge possibility of generosity, for giving us an insight to how your heart works, how your mind works when it comes to providing - you provide for all that we need for your work, our food and water, shelter and clothing, physical and spiritual and emotional. then there's your provision for everyone around us, for all you have placed in our lives - that's what "more than enough" is for. thank you lord! thank you lord, praise you.
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