Exodus 20.1-2
I am God, your God, who brought you out of a life of slavery.
thank you lord! praise you lord! you are amazing, lord, truly truly amazing! thank you for being the amazing God that you are, for working us all beautifully into your wonderful story. what a stark contrast between what you saved us from and what you saved us to! thank you lord that you have truly made us free when you became our master. thank you lord for setting us free from our slavedrivers - ourselves and everything that the enemy has planned for us - sickness, poverty, depravity and emptiness. thank you lord that you have set us free to you! you have set us free to health, abundance, purity and fullness of life! thank you lord that you have totally reversed our situation and we are no longer subject to the rule of this world. we now belong to you, thank you, praise you lord, our God, our Master.
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