Saturday, December 15, 2012


Leviticus 26.9
I will keep my covenant with you in good working order.
amen, thank you lord! praise you because you are always faithful, you stay true to your word, not one single time did you ever fail on your word. thank you that we can count on you to always keep your end of the generous bargain, to make sure that your perfect plan always carries through, to have you as someone we can fully depend on and never ever fail! thank you that as we keep you first in our lives, as we follow your direction, as we appropriate your endless grace to do what you want us to do and devote to obeying you for the rest of our lives, you will keep your promises, your word, your covenant with us in good working order! thank you lord for salvation, for health, for relationships, provision, fruitfulness, protection, safety, covering, destiny, purpose, joy, grace, love, peace - for belonging to you. praise you lord, praise you!

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