Leviticus 22.33
I am God who makes you holy and brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am God.
thank you lord praise you lord! praise you for saving us, for distinguishing us from the rest of the world to be your people living a life that you have turned over and revolutionized, not bound by the rules and trends of the world anymore but living victoriously and above our situations and circumstances because you are our God! thank you for pulling us out of our dead ends, our miserable existence hindered from our purpose and defeated by hopeless circumstances - thank you for bringing in your light, for bringing us into the light, for blessing us with your presence, for filling our hearts with joy and our lives with grace - grace to do exactly as you have said with all power and strength! thank you lord that above all else, you are God. you are our God. no other reason, no other logic trumps that. you are in charge. you are God! amen amen amen!
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