Genesis 15.1
Your reward will be grand!
keep on! keep on going, keep on doing the right thing, keep loving, keep obeying, stay faithful to the word, stay true to your Master, stay true to your God, don't be afraid, keep going, and YOUR REWARD WILL BE GRAND. no matter how difficult, no matter how much the strain, no matter how far you need to go, just keep going! because in God your reward will be grand! amen! thank you lord, yes lord, we will keep going, we will keep loving you lord, no matter how it hurts, even if we don't understand what is happening, even if we don't know what the next step is or where we're going next, even if we don't see for now the fruit of what you are working on in us, we will keep going, lord! we will LET NOTHING get in the way of your BEST for us, we will let NOTHING get in the way of YOU AND US together, lord! we will keep going, God, thank you for your grace, we will! we surely will!
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