Thursday, May 24, 2012


Geneses 19.16
God was so merciful to them!
thank you lord that YOU NEVER CHANGE, ans you've always been SO MERCIFUL, and YOU STILL ARE DEEPLY MERCIFUL TO US! thank you lord for sparing us from the things we deserve, and gracing us the things that we don't deserve! thank you lord that HOW YOU DEAL WITH US IS NOT BASED ON WHAT WE DESERVE, but BASED ON WHO YOU ARE, YOUR MERCY, and WHAT YOU DID ON THE CROSS! thank you lord that BECAUSE OF YOUR MERCY we are HEALED, PROTECTED, we have a HOPE, we have DIRECTION, we have REAL LIFE! thank you lord for covering and protecting us always, for being our STRONG SHIELD and TIMELY TIMELY HELP! thank you lord for WRITING OUR LIVES with your MERCY, and not just MERCIFUL, but SO MERCIFUL! thank you lord! we can never ever live this life without you!

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