Genesis 20.6
I was the one who kept you from sinning against me.
amen amen amen! lord! we have nothing to boast! YOU're the one who GRACES us to stay faithful to you! YOU're the one who keeps us going! YOU're the one who saved us from ourselves, from being apart from you, for eternity! thank you lord that YOU're the one who keeps on saving us everyday! from our daily circumstances, challenges, trials, thank you lord for YOUR faithfulness, your strength, your love! it's your strength that keeps us going! it's your capacity that stretches ours, and it's your enablement that allows us to live! it's your life that keeps us living! thank you lord, life is never about us -- everything is about you! from the least to the most important thing, EVEN OUR OBEDIENCE is still ALL ABOUT YOU! thank you lord for keeping us from missing the mark. thank you thank you lord!
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