Genesis 9.7
You're here to bear fruit, reproduce, lavish life on the Earth, live bountifully!
yes lord! you have created us to flourish where you have placed us! you have given us capacity to bear fruit and reproduce and be faithful with what you have entrusted to us! thank you lord for the talents, the time, the provision, the people you have put in our hands. thank you for the grace that you supplied with these provisions to make them grow and multiply! whatever our circumstance and situation, we CANNOT FAIL to bear fruit because THAT'S WHAT YOU CREATED US FOR! that's what you placed us here for! to bear fruit, to generously give life to everyone and everything around us, to cause bountiful living all around us from the bountiful living you have placed inside of us. thank you lord that we will NEVER RUN OUT OF YOUR PROVISION, because our provision from you is PART OF HOW YOU CREATED US. thank you lord!
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