Deuteronomy 5.15
That's why GOD, your God, commands you to observe the day of Sabbath rest.
yes lord. we concede. rest is not just about us getting a break, not just about us recovering lost strength, but rest is about humbling ourselves before you, recognizing that the fruit of our work is never up to us - our fruitfulness is always up to you! recognizing and never forgetting that we were once destined for destruction, that whatever our hands did had no fruit; there was nothing to them, but because you got us out of that predicament, you saved us mightily like never before, we can now move freely in you, what we do now has significance, now has fruit, our works now can be planted and flourish and prosper and be productive in you! so when we stop and rest, when we take a break, this is a conscious reminder that we never rely on ourselves for anything, but on you and you alone - our fruitfulness, our productivity, lies in you!
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