Numbers 9.16
It was like that all the time, the Cloud over The Dwelling and at night looking like fire.
wow, lord, your presence covers us from sunup til sundown! thank you lord that during the day, when everything is bright and we are on our high, you are our shield, you are the shade that protects us from ourselves, you are our covering that keeps a close eye on our going out and our coming in! you are our grace when we do whatever you have called us to do, you are our fruitfulness to make sure that what our hands touch will prosper. and thank you that during the night, when we cannot see, during our lows, when we need to rest and recharge in you, you are our fire! you keep us warm during the cold nights, you keep us safe, evil can't come close to you, you are our all-sufficient security and fortress! thank you lord that wherever we are in our lives spiritually and physically, literally and figuratively, you are who we need you to be - our God!
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