Friday, January 11, 2013


Numbers 1.54
The people of Israel did everything that God commanded Moses. They did it all.
you are a blessed God! thank you for your grace that lets us do absolutely everything you tell us to do - and all these things are good and great! not just for our own good, but for the good of your perfect plan! thank you for such sovereignty, such power, such foresight, such Godhood! thank you lord that you are immense and indescribably bigger than our circumstances and situations that you see everything from beginning to end, and you have already gone before everything according to your plan and have finished the work that was laid before the foundations of the earth. what a joy to obey you, lord! what peace and security that comes from following you and putting your first, from focusing on you, from having you as the main and only thread of the the fabric that is our life. thank you thank you lord, praise you!

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